Effective January 1, 2025, Fayette County Transit and Union County Transit are now part of a regional transportation network, Whitewater Valley Regional Transit.

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Fare Structure: Union County

Zone 1Within Liberty city limits$1.00
Zone 2City limits to 2 mile radius$2.25
Zone 32 to 4 mile radius$3.00
Zone 44 to 6 mile radius$3.50
Zone 56 mile to county lines (including College Corner and Cottage Grove)$4.50

Fare Structure: Fayette County

Zone 1Within Connersville city limits$2.00
Zone 2City limits to 2 mile radius
Zone 32 to 4 mile radius
Zone 44 to 6 mile radius
Zone 56 mile to county lines$5.00

To find out the exact cost of a trip between two points in the service area call the Whitewater Valley Regional Transit office at (765) 458-7277.

Reduced Fares

Union County residents ride for free within Union County on Fridays. Call to schedule.

How Do I Pay For My Trip?

You are expected to pay your fare with correct change, or be covered by a contract as you board the bus. Drivers are not permitted to make change.

We can’t transport you unless you pay for your trip or your trip is being paid for under a contract with Whitewater Valley Regional Transit.

Donations to Whitewater Valley Regional Transit are gladly accepted, however tipping the driver is not permitted.

Whitewater Valley Regional Transit